BuiltWith has advanced scrapers and a vast database of companies and technologies used by companies.
This database helps marketers and sales reps use technology usage of companies as signals on their business intent, focus as well as helps people find the direct customers of their competitors (pretty powerful)
The experience is simple, if you’re selling selling eComm services you want to search for companies built on shopify + companies actively running Google Ads.
In the search bar type in the technology you’re looking for and download the leadlist
Your next steps after downloading the lead list to track the domain as well as filter any company than have a very low Tech spend. Alternatively you can also filter to find companies that have a low revenue and use different messaging to those.
BuiltWith will also give you access to data like Employee Size, Vertical, Phone number, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram, Location.
Once you’ve collected this data your next step is to take this information and again upload it either to apollo to find the relevant team members. This time we’ll use the import option in apollo to enrich the companies.
Map the domain and company name columns and then apollo will search it’s DB to look for contacts in your domains.
You next step is to run a filter based on the decision maker for your niche. In this example we’re searching for marketing managers and founders.
Additionally, you can also use builtwith’s keyword list feature that’ll scan websites with certain keyphrases which you can use in your targetted messaging.
Link: https://builtwith.com/website-lists
The advantage you get with this approach, similar to technology, is you can find businesses based on your target market.
E.g instead of selling to everyone on a shopify store, you can sell specifically to shoe brands who are also on a shopify store. This layer of targeting and niche breakdown is what will separate you from the competition in your messaging as well as your lead’s inbox.